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Kundalini Yoga

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Kundalini Yoga is the ‘Yoga of Awareness”. Where you awaken to your own internal experience and reconnect to the mind, body and soul. Kundalini Yoga is a technology not a religion. By using kriyas, an exercise or set of exercises, with specific techniques of postures (asana), breath (pranayama), hand position (mudra), focus (dristhi), body locks (bandhas), chanting (mantra) we activate a specific outcome in our body. Creating an overall sense of well being and a heightened sense of awareness. It has the effects of uplifting the spirit. 

"In Kundalini Yoga the most important thing is your experience. It goes right to your heart. No words can replace your experience. Your mind may accept the words or it may not, but your consciousness will not accept just words." -Yogi Bhajan

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Join for a weekly class of beach yoga. Soak up the sun and the tranquility of the sea whilst rejuvenating the body and soul. 

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Book a 1 hr / 1.5hr session at a time that suits you. At your home or on the beach. 1-1 sessions and up to 3 people for the same rate. 

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Book an on-line session of yoga from a location that suits you. Classes held via Zoom. 

Private Yoga Sessions
Online Yoga
Class Beach Yoga
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