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Online Kinesiology

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Online Kinesiology session

I welcome you to experience a Remote Online Kinesiology Session where I blend my experience in kinesiology, yoga (breath work & meditation), nutrition and emotional healing to establish what is required to restore balance for you. Using the whole body approach I tune into your energetic field and muscle test on your behalf. Online Kinesiology is a remote energy healing modality using muscle testing to establish where imbalances in your body lie.

What to expect?

We first have a 5 minute video chat to establish what are the areas in your life that need to be addressed and any symptoms that may have risen to the surface. We then end the call, as I continue with the next stage of the session, which takes up to an hour. I then tune into your energetic field and muscle test through various kinesiology techniques from the various realms: physical, emotional, nutritional and energetic to establish what your body is requiring. This could be supplements that are required to restore balance to your health, acupressure points, emotions to be addressed, a chakra imbalance, meridian line or a belief etc. We then schedule the next stage of the appointment online via video call, where I relay the findings and ask you to do the techniques with me so that the body gets the fix. If nutrition came up it is recommended.


Remote Kinesiology is as powerful as an in-person session, as you address the issues that were flagged, seeing the resonance of it and going through the procedures that are a priority for you at this time. Homework is also given to reinforce the changes made.


Keeping our balance and centre through self care is an important part to keep our perspective and balance. Book a Kinesiology Session today and experience the amazing benefits for yourself.


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