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The bible tells us that the life of the flesh is in the blood. Healthy blood for a healthy body. Natural Solutions use thirteen powerful blood cleansing herbs half of which are the roots in the blood purifying tonic.

Herbs with the following blood cleansing abilities are used:
Cell cleanser, cleansing the body of toxins and purifying the blood.
Natural detoxifiers and blood cleansers and blood purifying agent to help build up blood cells.
Blood tonic to not only purify but to strengthen the blood, and powerful detoxifying agents to clean out the bloodstream.
This herbal formula has been used to clear out boils, skin disorders, assist with healing any dis-order as it cleanses the blood by increasing the effectiveness of all the body's elimination systems.
Herbs are used that also boost the immune system, with antibacterial properties, increase the flow of bile, promote bowel movement, helps heal internal and external cells and tissue, and purge the body of all toxins assisting the lymphatics in removing toxicity.
This supplement supports the Natural Solutions Supplements, to help you overcome any ailment.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, or the Medical Control Council, and are not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any ailment, they are for your educational purpose only.



  • Berberis vulgaris, Dandelion Root, Dandelion Leaf, Anise Seed, Elder Flower and Root, Burdock Root, Chaparral, Fennel, Liquorice Root, Blood Root, Red Clover, Rumex Crispus, Stinging Nettle, Hibiscus and Poke Root.

  • FLAT RATE: R100.00

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